This blog is for the world. It's for the people out there who don't have pictures of me, and need them. Welcome friends and family. Don't expect many posts, but get excited about pictures. I don't compose, I pose.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Ladies

This is the look I give to the ladies. "Hi, how are you? I'm fine, and yes, cute as usual." We'll be cruising the aisles at Wal Mart, and I'll be like, "Ho hum, bo-ring", so I'll decided to mix things up a little bit. The next forty-something that comes our way will be minding her business and then WHAM. Me, and this smile. She'll be spending the next thirty seconds of her life telling my mom how sweet I am. I love that power.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So... August. Old buddy, old pal. I was thinking we should hang out. You know, show me some tips. I've seen your moves; I like your style. Give me a call.

12:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aug-
so...moved to Missisomethin' or other- house is pretty sweet...I get my own room, own sound system, you know, the works. If you feel like learning another language, come on down to my place and we can go talk to some southern people. I made a new friend-it's a girl, but she's still ok. She's 2 days older, but I'm bigger-that's the way to be.

5:54 PM


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